Wednesday 15 July 2015

Maiden Speech

Phil delivered his maiden speech in Parliament on the 8th of July.

Phil highlighted the hardship that may within Coatbridge, Chryston and Bellshill have faced for decades, noting “the decades of neglect that our once heavily industrialised heartland has suffered… It has been that way for decades, and we deserve better.”

However, he praised those living in the area, stating “we most value is our people. Our people are resilient, honest and resourceful.”

Phil recognised the mandate he and the other SNP Members of Parliament have been given by the people of Scotland, stating that “Scotland has voted for anti-austerity; free education; an NHS protected from privatisation… an anti-nuclear stance; and an inclusive, tolerant society that has social and economic justice at its heart.”

He criticsed the additional cuts introduced by the new Budget, stating “I fear for the wellbeing for many of my constituents and those of many other Members. Dark times are indeed ahead, especially as these cuts will see the further decimation of an already overstretched and struggling social security system.”

Phil argued that the right-wing neo-liberal policies introduced by successive established parties in Westminster have led to “absolute despair.” However, he noted the awakening to politics occurring in Scotland, and the hope the Scottish people have in establishing a more progressive, fair society. “In Scotland, although we are not without aspiration, it is with hope that we look to the future for all those who live and work in Scotland. We, the 56, have been sent south with a unique mandate to do our best by those who believe more in hope for all than in material aspiration exclusively for the few.”