Thursday 16 July 2015

Phil urges UK Government to ensure support for small-scale Hydro

Phil has urged the UK Government to ensure support for small-scale hydro in an early day motion in the House of Commons.

Small scale hydro has been supported via the Feed-in-Tariff, which has been highly successful. 177MW of small scale hydro is now available in Scotland, representing 75 percent of UK capacity. In addition, hydro has the lowest lifetime cost of all renewable technologies.

However, deep cuts have been proposed by the Conservative-led UK Government to the Feed-in-Tariff for small scale hydro. Leading organsations in the renewables sector, including Scottish Renewables and the British Hydropower Association, have raised concern about the impact of these cuts.

Concerning the proposed cuts, Phil said:

“At a time of tightening electricity capacity margins and concerns over climate change, additional clean energy generation via small scale hydro is more important than ever. And with the negative impact the cuts announced in the Budget will have on working households, it is essential that we protect the jobs in the renewable energy and construction sectors.”