Thursday 3 March 2016

Freedom of Information

Myself and the SNP Westminster Group will resist any changes in the UK Parliament to freedom of information laws. Any change to the laws would affect UK Government organisations operating in Scotland. The UK Government appears to be preparing to weaken the law on Freedom of Information by introducing fees for tribunal appeals against the Information Commissioner’s FOI decisions which would be further barrier to an open democracy. Introducing fees in appeals in other areas such as Employment Tribunals has resulted in a massive decrease their use.  

The SNP is co-chairing a cross party alternative FOI review with Tom Watson MP (depute leader of the Labour Party) to gather evidence in public from leading figures in Government, Whitehall, the media, academics and NGO. 

As you may be aware, the Freedom of Information Act is partly devolved to Scotland in areas where Scottish Ministers have jurisdiction.

The Scottish Government is preparing a response the UK Government’s consultation however; the Scottish Government have already consulted on their plans to extend the remit of Freedom of Information acts in Scotland to include: 
  • contractors who run privately-managed prisons 
  • providers of secure accommodation for children
  • grant-aided schools
  • independent special schools

To learn more about what the Scottish Government is doing please click here.