Thursday 10 March 2016

NHS Reinstatement Bill

It is my view, and that of my SNP colleagues, that the current Westminster agenda of austerity, privatisation and patient charging in the NHS in England threatens to harm Scotland's budget, on which our NHS depends.

In Scotland, the SNP Scottish Government is prioritising investment in our public National Health Service. In this year’s Scottish Budget, we have pledged an additional £500 million to be invested in the Scottish NHS, with £250 million invested in the integration of health and social care. This takes total health spending in Scotland to near £13 billion.

My SNP colleague Dr. Philippa Whitford supported the NHS Reinstatement Bill when it was first presented before Parliament, and Dr. Whitford will lead SNP MPs in support of the bill when it is considered for a second time in Parliament.

As the bill is a Private Member’s Bill, its chances of becoming law are slim because of the very little parliamentary time dedicated to considering Private Member’s Bills. However, rest assured that the SNP will support the bill wholeheartedly and its aims of restoring the National Health Service in England to the accountable public service that it was always meant to be.