Wednesday 16 March 2016

Trade Union Bill

I strongly oppose this pernicious piece of legislation and along with my SNP colleagues opposed it at all stages as it progressed through the Commons.

The measures within the Bill seek to challenge employee rights in the work place and that is why I’ve supported my colleagues who have been leading on fighting it on behalf of the SNP in Westminster. Whilst we’ve actively sought to oppose the Bill, the SNP in Westminster have been attempting to limit the impact of the Bill on employees, submitting a number of amendments at both Committee and Report stage which recently concluded in the Commons. It is an outrage that the UK Government has remained content to push through the Bill, rejecting amendments which would protect rights for workers.

I met with Trade Unionists during the recent lobby of parliament and was very happy to discuss the arguments against the Bill, whilst committing my full opposition to it. Trade Unions are key stakeholders and my colleagues and I have been in discussion with Trade Union leaders at a national level to look at how we can mitigate the effects of the Bill. 

I am aware that my colleagues in the Scottish Government are exploring all options to ensure that we can protect Scotland’s distinct approach to industrial relations and I will support them in their efforts.

It is disappointing that following the vote in the Commons the Bill will now progress to the unelected Chamber where the Government will continue to force it through without appropriate opposition.