Friday 15 July 2016

Monklands Hospital Update from NHS Lanarkshire

I am aware of the growing concern in my constituency surrounding changes to services at Monklands Hospital. I have received an update today from NHS Lanarkshire regarding plans and upcoming changes. Please see below:

Press Release

15 July 2016


Lanarkshire NHS Board agrees to trauma and orthopaedic service improvements


NHS Lanarkshire is improving patient safety and quality of care in a two phased restructuring of its trauma and orthopaedics service.

The improvements are being made following feedback from Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), the Scottish Government Peer Review process Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT), the General Medical Council (GMC) and NHS Education for Scotland (NES) which led to NHS Lanarkshire carrying out a detailed review of its trauma and orthopaedic services from which these proposals have been developed.

The Lanarkshire NHS Board agreed at its meeting on Thursday, 14 July to changes to the service which will help to:

  • deliver improved and more consistent outcomes for patients
  • reduce the time patients spend in hospital after surgery
  • improve waiting times
  • help with recruitment and provide a sustainable, specialist workforce.

Following the changes, around 98 per cent of patients attending Monklands Hospital emergency department (ED/A&E) and 95 per cent of trauma patients attending Monklands Hospital will continue to do so.

NHS Lanarkshire has also given a clear commitment to the continued provision of three district general hospitals (DGH) each with consultant led emergency departments (ED) which will each have access to emergency surgery and medicine, with support from; critical care, diagnostics and outpatients. It also reiterated its commitment to Monklands Hospital with on-going plans for a major new hospital development to replace the existing Monklands Hospital which will have 450-500 beds.

Dr Jane Burns, NHS Lanarkshire divisional medical director of acute services, said: “Our review included two stakeholder events which featured representation from service users, carers, clinical staff and public partnership forums. These events considered the available options and the favoured proposal was for a two site model with a mix of trauma and orthopaedic work at Wishaw General and Hairmyres Hospital as part of phase one.

“The ultimate aim is to have a two site centre of excellence model with one hospital providing all operative trauma services and the other providing elective orthopaedic services.

“It is this model for trauma and orthopaedics which NHS Lanarkshire will be consulting on as part of our Healthcare Strategy consultation which is due to get underway on 1 August which everyone will be able to give a view on.”

Dr Burns continued: “Maintaining the status quo is neither a sustainable option, nor will it address the safety and quality issues raised in the 2013 HIS Rapid Review report and in the visits by the GMC and NES.

“This view is shared by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland (AoMRC) which has welcomed this development of a shared vision for orthopaedic services.

“The National Clinical Strategy for Scotland 2016 has also cited evidence that a surgeon doing hip replacement operations should do at least 35 operations per year as at that level the occurrence of complications falls to around the minimum level.

“It is set out in the GIRFT report that outcomes for patients in Lanarkshire were likely to be variable and that measures to address this should be put in place as soon as possible. The steps we are taking will help achieve this.

“There were also considerable pressures on trauma and orthopaedic services last winter and the Board would be negligent if it failed to act now as there is a real risk of services collapsing this coming winter without this change."

The change has the support of staff side (trade union) representatives as well as the Lanarkshire Area Clinical Forum, a body representing a wide range of health professionals.

Speaking in support of NHS Lanarkshire’s move, leader of the AoMRC NHS Lanarkshire review team, Mr Ian Ritchie said: “The Academy is in agreement with the findings of both the HIS and GIRFT Peer Review reports that the current model of trauma and orthopaedic services in NHS Lanarkshire must be improved to ensure safe and sustainable services for patients.

“Our report makes it clear that the best solution is a two centre model with a trauma unit on one site and elective services on one other.

“The Academy recognises that there may be constraints in moving to the trauma unit one site model in one step and therefore accepts the argument that a two-step service change will be necessary.

“The Academy will support an interim step if it is clear and explicit that this is part of a journey to a single site for trauma.”

Dr Burns continued: “NHS Lanarkshire and regional planning colleagues reviewed the implications of moving to a single centre model for trauma and considered that managing the transition would require more detailed planning.

“However based on feedback and reports from HIS, GMC, NES and the Academy, the Lanarkshire NHS Board agreed to move to the interim two site position as soon as possible in order to secure the necessary more immediate improvements in quality and safety of care.”

The changes will only affect those patients who would have accessed trauma and orthopaedic inpatient and day case care at Monklands Hospital. All three Lanarkshire acute hospitals will continue to see and treat orthopaedic out-patients.

For the vast majority of patients who currently access emergency services at Monklands Hospital – over 98 per cent – there will be no change. If Monklands Hospital is your local Emergency Department (ED-A&E), you should continue to go for exactly the same conditions as you would at the moment.

An average of three or four people per day who require a trauma or orthopaedic hospital admission will be affected by these changes. But they will receive an improved quality of care.

The changes will also enable NHS Lanarkshire to invest £1.5 million in a new consultant led Rapid Assessment Team at Monklands Hospital’s ED which will see a senior clinical decision maker at the start of the initial patient assessment process which will improve patient flow and patient safety within the ED.

There are also plans to increase capacity at Monklands’ Day Surgery Unit and make improvements to the Same Day Assessment unit which will more than double the number of patients seen.

This will be in addition to the on-going plans to build a major new high quality acute Monklands Hospital development to replace the existing hospital which will require 450-500 beds.

For the vast majority of patients who currently access emergency services at Monklands Hospital – over 98 per cent – there will be no change

If Monklands Hospital is someone’s local A&E, they should continue to go for exactly the same conditions as they would at the moment. This is not changing now or in the future.

NHS Lanarkshire will continue to have three consultant-led accident emergency departments.

NHS Lanarkshire is acting on independent expert advice from the AoMRC (see attached AoMRC letter).

All three Lanarkshire acute hospitals will continue to see and treat orthopaedic out-patients.